By Pretty Presets on | No Comments
We all know how Facebook is a great tool for our photography businesses. Most of us have business pages and are actively sharing our work to get noticed and get new clients. But did you know there are other social media tools that can be just as powerful?
Instagram is an amazing tools for marketing your photography business and it is FREE!
When I moved to a new city a few months ago and had to start all over with my photography business, I rebuilt my clientele in a few short months by word of mouth and Instagram. Yep you read that right! Not Facebook—Instagram! With Instagram I was able to share my work with a target audience in my new city!
Let's talk about some important things that you need to know when using Instagram for your business.
The MOST important thing to know about Instagram is HASHTAGS.
Hashtags are words following a number sign "#" and are used to describe your picture. These hashtags also link your image with any other images using the same hashtag! Users on Instagram can search these hashtags and find images based on the hashtags used.
The key is finding the right hashtags for you! When I first moved to Austin a few months ago I knew no one!! So I starting posting my images with hashtags like #austinphotographer #atxphtotography etc. and I started getting people from my area to see my work and message me to book sessions!! It was that simple!
In the previous picture you can see I have Geotag up at the top. That is where I have added the location to my photo. These are linkable—meaning that others can click on them and see all the images from that location. It is another great way to get people from your area to see your Instagram feed.
Make sure that your account is "Public" so that you can get anyone to see your work. Some are not comfortable making their personal accounts public, but all business accounts should be public. Making people ask to see your images just isn't good business.
Make sure your overall Instagram feed is consistent, clean, and relevant to your business. Have a good bio with a current photography website so that people can find you to book with you.
Depending on what kind of pictures you shoot find an Instagram account that frequently features your type of work! For example, I do a lot of children photography! I have stubbled upon a few accounts like "Children of Instagram" that have featured my work 7 times now. Each time I have gotten several new followers and great exposure.
Do you follow @PrettyPresets on Instagram? By simply using the hashtag #PrettyPresets on any images that you edited with Pretty Presets could also be shared by them! I am always following new photographers who are being featured on here and it is another great way to get your work out there!