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I love chocolate. When I’m in charge of baking dessert, it will usually include some form of chocolate. The richer and darker, the better. Every now and then, I venture outside what I love and try something new.
A couple of months ago my husband and I were at an auction to raise money. Several items were up for bid, but there was one item that was up for bid that my husband had his eye on. A blackberry pie made by Jane Holiday. I was confused because my husband doesn’t eat blackberries. Nor does he eat fruit of any kind. So I went along with him, figuring he wanted something other than chocolate for dessert. Then it came time for the bidding. $10.00. $20.00. $50.00. $75.00. $120.00. We paid $120.00 for a blackberry pie and he doesn’t even eat blackberries! Oh, but I tell you, that night, we all indulged in blackberry pie. You see, this wasn’t just any pie. This was Jane Holiday’s blackberry pie. Everyone in that room knew it would be good. I had heard stories about the crust. My son had tasted her pies and came home to tell me about them. Apple pie, Lemon Meringue pie, Blackberry pie. It didn’t matter what kind of pie. If Jane made it, people wanted it.
That’s what we hope the Pretty Forum will be for you. A place that you will want to come to because you trust those that created it. A place that you’re willing to spend some money on for membership because you know you’re making an investment in your passion. We pay for services or memberships we find value in. We buy family memberships to the zoo so we can go there often with our children. We sign up for snacks or make up or other monthly memberships because we love getting that product in the mail every month. When you financially obligate yourself to a service, you are more inclined to be active and engaged. I mean, who wants to spend their money on something and have it go to waste? Not this girl!
Are you paying for the extra free things you get like presets and posing guides? No. You’re paying to be part of something special. And because we love having you in the forum, we want to give you something extra special to say thank you. Will you receive something every month? No. What you will receive instead is the attention of photographers throughout the world with knowledge. You will find information that you are seeking. You will have a safe place to ask questions. A place where you won’t be judged, clients won’t see you posting and other photographers can help you.
Our facebook group at Pretty Presets and Pretty Actions won’t be changing. They will still be there as long as facebook will keep them around. But what happens when you want to learn how to pose better or learn how to find the light and avoid those harsh shadows? Where are you going to find those answers and trust the people giving them to you? The Pretty Forum, of course! Does it mean you should drop the group and go strictly to the forum, no! Having both is like having all the chocolate desserts at once AND a pie from Jane! You get amazing support for Pretty Presets and Lightroom in the group and then you can go to the forum for all the other stuff!
Because the designers behind it are like Jane Holiday. When they make something, you just know it’s going to be good. With so many places to go for photography education, why wouldn’t you want to join? They’ve put together something pretty special that even if you don’t think you’ll like being in a forum, you’re going to like this one. The team behind Pretty Forum is smart, giving, talented and driven. There’s a reason Pretty Forum was created. Join the forum and find out for yourself.