By Laura Thomas on | No Comments
I was thrilled when I was asked to choose the theme for this challenge. I knew right away what I wanted to see. Pictures of families. My family is the most important group of people in my life. I thought this would be a great chance to pull out a family photo to edit or get in front of the camera for a new photo! But I have to say, choosing the winners was hard! I had to bring in reinforcement to help. :)
Congratulations to Karissa and Tiffany for captivating us all this week with your beautiful family! Please email Laura at to redeem your $50 gift card to Pretty Presets or Pretty Actions.
All 5 kids waiting on dad to get home, they LOVE their dad...
Photographer: Karissa Collins
Presets: Used Harvest Moon with shadows turned all the way down.
It's not often I get to edit personal pictures because I'm busy with my clients or chasing around two toddlers. I saw the contest and knew I wanted to go back through my pictures and find one to enter. This is the first image I came across. It might not be perfect but it is perfect for this mama.
Photographer: Tiffany Lawson
I set all the settings, then had my husband stand there and snap this of my daughter & I at the pool this weekend.
Photographer: Jacqueline Jelletich Caviness
Presets: Edited with A Quick Clean, Peony, and some minor temperature adjustments
So this happened today!!! (Don't worry kiddo was fine & everyone laughed)
Photographer: Tayler Radovich DillMy crazy, fun, always goofy, and sometimes cranky #prettyfamily.
Photographer: Lori Hitchcock Jones...just a few days new as a party of four.
Photographer: Anitra Thompson
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Laura is married and has two children who keep life exciting. She loves people, capturing beauty and enjoys a spending time with her family. She is the Co-Founder of PRETTY (Pretty Presets, Pretty Actions + Pretty Forum).