By Laura Thomas on | No Comments
Thank you for all the laughs this week! We had a hard time narrowing it down to just a couple images. We hope these moments can bring a smile to your face! Congratulations to Rachel Krause and Mary Rather. Please email me at to redeem your gift. We look forward to the next challenge! Thank you for being a part of this one.
"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter" - E.E. Cummings
Sometimes you have those sessions where things just happen and everyone is left laughing. Unfortunately, those aren't always the ones that make it on canvas though. So, this week we thought it would be fun to make our challenge all about photo bloopers. We're grateful for the opportunity we had this week to smile, laugh and just relate with you.
Special thanks to Perla Rubi Salazar, Jessica Foreman and Amy Phipps for sharing their bloopers with us in the main image.
Mom is a close friend and we were taking photos of her 4th month old. Poor baby had acid reflux. Mom was a great sport and we got a huge laugh.
Photographer: Rachel Krause
Presets used: Harvest Moon with hand edits.
This may hurt any chances of future child business but the mom was truly right there! And as a 4th boy this kid did not even whimper....hooray for grass!
Photographer: Mary Rather
Preset used: A Quick Clean
Photographer: Erica Ogden
Presets used: Edited with Quick clean, center light, and vignette
They don't all come out picture perfect!
Photographer: Charise Lang Preston
Presets used: Fine Art Film
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Laura is married and has two children who keep life exciting. She loves people, capturing beauty and enjoys a spending time with her family. She is the Co-Founder of PRETTY (Pretty Presets, Pretty Actions + Pretty Forum).