Being self-employed presents a unique challenge in budgeting due to the fact that a self-employed person’s income can vary greatly from month-to-month or season-to-season. If you aren’t already using some sort of financial tracking software for your business you need to start NOW! (Photographer Depot has a great spreadsheet that is inexpensive and easy-to-use here) Spreadsheets or other software allows you to see trends and make decisions based on past history.
Once you have an estimate of your monthly income, there are several tools available that you can use to allocate funds to different categories. I really like using Dave Ramsey’s guideline percentages. Here are his recommendations:
* Charity – 10-15%
* Saving – 5 – 10%
* Housing – 25-35%
* Utilities – 5 – 10%
* Food – 5 – 15%
* Transportation – 10-15%
* Clothing – 2 – 7%
* Medical/Health – 5-10%
* Personal – 5 – 10%
* Recreation – 5 – 10%
* Debts – 5 – 10%
(You can download a free printable from Pretty Presets here to help you fill these items in!)
How to install Lightroom Presets click HERE.
How to install Lightroom Brushes click HERE.
How to install Photoshop Actions click HERE.
How to install Photoshop Overlays click HERE.
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